Education with a Destination – Annual Destination Auction
in conjunction with Education with a Destination. Redmond, OR
August 24, 2024
In Beautiful Central Oregon
Destination Auction Frequently Asked Questions
Is Absentee Bidding Available?
Telephone Bidding (Must be Arranged in Advance): Call Tim Vincent at (503) 704-9229 by 2:30 pm Eastern Time, 1:30 pm Central time, 12:30 pm Mountain time, 11:30 am Pacific time on Saturday, August 24th.
Online Bidding is Available at
APPROVAL TO BID IS A TWO-STEP PROCESS,AND APPROVAL MUST BE VERIFIED. Please do this at least 48 hours prior to the auction.
• You must first have a DVAuction account to bid. Go to and click “Create New Account,” or log in to your existing account.
• Next, go to Destination Alpaca Sale, and Click “Apply for Bidding” below Upcoming Events for Destination Alpaca Sale, and complete the application.
• Then, call DVAuction (402) 316-5460 to verify your approval.
• After creating your account, please go to the Tutorials page to learn how to use DVAuction. Short tutorials demonstrate how to use your computer or phone to view and/or bid.
Who can I call with questions?
All of the sale principals are happy to visit with you about the event. Auction entry and procedural questions should be directed to Tim Vincent at Celebrity Sales, LLC. You can call or text Tim at 503-704-9229, or email
Other contacts:
Scott Miller – call 541-923-2285/541-604-5817, or email
Amanda VandenBosch – call 831-809-1147, or email
Hosted by Crescent Moon Ranch & Flying Dutchman Alpacas
Produced by Celebrity Sales LLC

Produced by:

LOCATION: Flying Dutchman Alpacas, LLC 65485 Cline Falls Hwy, Bend, OR 97703
8.30 am Arrive – Continental Breakfast- Welcome and Introductions
9.30 – 11.15 – Subject: “Color Genetics” & “Genome Study findings” A fascinating perspective and international study on color in alpacas and progress report on genome mapping and findings. You will be fascinated with all the research and findings from around the world. Speaker: Dr Gustavo Gutierrez Reynoso, Ph.D. Professor Principal del Department de Producion Animal, Universisdad Nacional Agaria, La Molina Peru
11.30 – 12.30 Subject: “Birthing, herd health success” – Invaluable information for anyone raising alpacas, learn from the best! *New and experienced breeders. Speaker: Dr Rachel Oxley, DVM – Veterinarian-Juniper Country Veterinary Services, Redmond, OR
12.30 – 1.30 Lunch
TRACK ONE Neonatal Hands on with Dr Oxley @ Stillmeadow Farm Location 65750, Cline Falls Rd, Bend, 97703
1.30 – 4.00 Subject “Neonatal” Hands on to birthing “To know when you need help, what to do, how to have confidence under pressure. A must for every alpaca breeder- (back by overwhelming requests) Speaker & Clinician: Dr Rachel Oxley, DVM – Veterinarian-Juniper Country Veterinary Services, Redmond, OR
or TRACK TWO at Flying Dutchman Alpacas – Barn 65485 Cline Falls, Bend, OR 97703
1.30 – 4.00 Subject: “Make more money from farm Tourism Strategies for Your Alpaca Business” Long time alpaca breeder, now specializing in Marketing and assisting breeders in successful revenue streams and Agritourism. Speaker: Julie Roy-aka Alpaca Julie, CA
4.00 PM Return to FDA-refreshments
4.30 – 5.30 Subject: History of the Camelid- Speaker: Mike Safely-Author, Alpaca Judge, Founder Quechua Benefit
– Updates“Quechua Benefit”– Updates on all the amazing things happening in Peru supporting women and children – thanks to YOU. Casa Chapi, LCA, water project, carbon, grassland study, community animal health. Speakers: Mike Safely, Dale Cantwell, Dr Gutierrez and Xeina Ccallo.
5.45 – 6.30 Meet & Greet sponsored By QUECHUA BENEFIT Quechua Benefit Education Fundraiser paddle raise
6.30 – 7.30 Delicious Sit down-Family Style Meal (Come as you are- casual-fun!) Catered by Bowtie Catering @ FDA sponsored by MAZURI FEEDS- Sit, relax, have cocktail, wine under the trees, enjoy the alpacas and your alpaca peeps
Wine to enjoy at your table kindly donated by Stillmeadow Alpaca Farm, Tumalo, Oregon
LOCATION: Flying Dutchman Alpacas, LLC 65485 Cline Falls Hwy, Bend, OR 97703
8.00 – 8.30 Continental Breakfast
8.30-9.30 Subject: “Nutrition Research updates” -supporting your alpaca growth, health and optimizing your fiber production. Joining us via zoom as Dr Jen Parsons is in Skockholm. Dr Parsons will answer questions on all your alpaca nutrition and health needs based off of science and new developments. Speaker: Dr. Jen Parsons, PhD Mazuri Feeds-Lead Nutritionist & Team Mazuri
9.45 – 11.00 Subject: –Principles of Genetic Improvement for the Enhancement of Alpaca Productivity” Curt Youngs, Ph.D. – Professor Iowa State University Overview of how alpaca breeders can make genetic improvement in their herds by selecting multi gene (quantitative traits). The four factors affecting the rate of genetic improvement, concepts on selection intensity, heritability, selection differential, generational interval and more. A must listen and learn for all alpaca enthusiasts.
11.15-12.45 Subject: Continued New: Updates on Genome study and studies in Peru and internationally Speaker: Dr Gustavo Gutierrez Reynoso, Ph.D. Professor Principal del Department de Producion Animal, Universisdad Nacional Agaria, La Molina Peru Bring your questions for Drs Guiterrez & Professor Curt Youngs – an opportunity to delve into advancements in the alpaca industry and breeding progress.
******Travel to Crescent Moon Ranch, Terrebonne*****
Lunch at CMR 1.30 PM- 2.30 PM
1.30-6.00 PM -Alpacas in PENS for VIEWING-
Meet with each Breeder/ Consigner- Hands on view each alpaca Mike Safley will be available for consulting in person on site and for phone bidders– (complimentary of EDU)
2.30 – 3.15 Subject: Live Auction Fun – How does it all work? Overview of how it all works-Learn more about the options available and ask in person any questions you may have. – entering alpacas, networking, setting reserves, bidding, insurance. Everyone’s success! Speakers: Tim & Teresa Vincent- Celebrity Sales- OR
Throughout the afternoon- ask your specific questions, learn more from the experts- An amazing opportunity! – Drs’ Guiterrez and Curt Youngs, Ph.D.
OPPORTUNITY TO SIGN UP FOR 20 minute ONE on ONE SESSIONS– (Complimentary of EDU)
3.30 – 6.00 PM- Hands on preview and fleeces for Auction animals All alpacas will be in their pens and the fleeces displayed. Take the time to visit each pen, look at pedigrees, feel the fleeces and learn more about all the alpacas from their breeders and absorb all the information, amazing genetics available for the Saturday LIVE Auction.
Drinks and Hors’doeuvres for your enjoyment- Time to really network!
6.00 PM Dinner on your OWN- Experience- Central Oregon Restaurants- Enjoy your evening!
8.30 – 9.30- Continental Breakfast & visit alpaca pens look at auction alpacas in their pens
9.30 – 10.45- A Fireside (or under the big EDU tent-side) chat about the “Future of Alpaca Breeding” An informal discussion for all attendees, Professor Curt Youngs of Iowa State University will chat about various ways that alpaca breeding might change in years ahead. Attendees are encouraged to think about the future and come prepared with questions. “Be prepared for an eye-opening discussion!”
10.45 -1.00 – Continue to spend time, network and evaluate all the alpacas in the sale. Talk to the breeders, speakers, alpaca judges and learn hands on. Such an incredible opportunity.
12.00 – 1.00 Lunch
*****Note: 8.30 am – 1.00 pm Pens open for alpaca viewing for auction- An opportunity to hands on all alpacas and visit with breeders and learn more, whether you are actively buying, new and just learning or just 100% alpaca enthusiast. This is an opportunity to really get to feel, listen and learn from many successful, passionate, alpaca breeders.
4.15 – PM End of Auction (Time may vary)
1.00 – 4.15 PM, 2024 DESTINATION AUCTION by Celebrity Sales, LLC
LOCATION: Flying Dutchman Alpacas, LLC 65485 Cline Falls Hwy, Bend, OR 97703
9.00 – 9.30 Breakfast from Tumalo CoffeeHouse. Home baked Quiche and Fruits, continental breakfast
9.00 – 10.30 Subject: Subject: Heart Centered Tourism– Improve, expand, initiate, and market, such amazing valuable information to help you succeed. Speaker: Julie Roy, aka Alpaca Julie, CA
10.45 – 12.00 Subject: Eyes – alpacas and injuries Speaker: Dr Heather Kaese, DVM-Veterinary Referral Center of Central Oregon-Expert in eye injuries and eye care. Dr Heather will share some of her experiences and valuable information in the event of an injury.
12.30 Lunch from Tumalo CoffeeHouse
1.30 – DUCK SCRAMBLE– Prizes, Prizes, Prizes, FUN, FUN, FUN
To end the 16th YEAR – 2024 Education with a Destination with a leap into the pond to catch your “DUCK” – sounds like fun doesn’t it! DUCKS mean PRIZES. You get wet, show your competitive side and can win an assortment of REALLY FUN PRIZES, stud male breedings and more! Guaranteed to make you smile and end a perfect 2024 Education with a Destination!!
Schedule: Subject to change *
Location: Crescent Moon Ranch, Terrebonne, OR
Recommended Resort: Eagle Crest Resort,, 541-923-9644
Ask for Education with a Destination Group Block

Start booking your rooms now
Ask for Education with a Destination Group Block
Room | Rate |
Lodge – Double Queen Room | $209 |
Lodge – 1 Bedroom Suite | $229 |
Vacation Rental – 2 Bedroom | $279 |
Vacation Rental – 3 Bedroom | $329 |
Host Hotel: Hampton Inn at Redmond Airport, 3901 SW 21st Street Redmond, OR, 97756, Phone (541) 527-1948
Education with a Destination Group Block Reservations

Closest Hotel: Sleep Inn & Suites, 1847 NW 6th St, Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: (541) 516-6269